Get ready for UCF tryouts May 16-20th

Please bring with you to Tryouts a water bottle, tryout form, any athletic wear is fine, socks and shoes. We will ask to see any tumbling you have, jumps, and ask to see flyers stunt.

NEW athletes to UCF will pick a slot to attend tryouts on May 16th AND come a second day on the level tumbling that they have. If you completed the 2020-2021 season with UCF you only need to attend 1 tryout date Monday-Thursday based on your tumbling level.

Athletes that are 4-5 years old will pick a slot to come ONLY on Sunday May 16th.

How will I find out what team I have made? Every athlete will wear a number at tryouts. Remembering that number is super important. Monday May 24th by 8pm will put on this page a YOUTUBE link that will show which team you have made (by your number), who your coaches are, and what your practice schedule will be.

In order to tryout you must pay the tryout fee prior to your tryout day, fill out the release form, and registration forms. Registration fee can be paid after tryouts, but before the first day of practice.

Payment schedule:

By May 26th Registration- $200 returning athletes/ $250 new athletes

June 1 Tuition $160.00 camp wear set- $90.00

End of June beginning of July- UNIFORM $450.00

July- January Tuition $160 and Comp Fees approx.. $115.00

February- April Tuition $160.00